Streaming Media Surveys
We love input, you love prizes, we're a match made in heaven. In all seriousness, the input you provide helps us improve the way we do business and provides us with invaluable information on how the industry is changing. We appreciate you taking the time to help us out. Check back regularly to participate in new surveys!
Forecasting Revenue from Streaming Weather Content
Every so often, a streaming concept comes along that makes the team here at Help Me Stream Research Foundation sit up and pay attention. A recent request by’s sales and editorial team—to consider crafting a survey that addresses the market opportunity for weather-related streaming “reels” of short-form, on-demand localized weather content—piqued our curiosity enough that we met with the survey’s sponsor, The Weather Company.
While we were a bit skeptical of the potential revenue upsides for streaming providers at the outset, what we learned in the initial call with representatives of The Weather Company solidified our decision to generate a new survey on the topic, and we’re highly encouraging any reader of to consider taking the 2024 Streaming Weather Trends Survey.
We’d also like to gather extra feedback on this topic via phone or Zoom interviews. Ideally we’d like to interview up to 10 people that work for either a content delivery platform or a content creation company. If you’d be willing to provide more detailed one-on-one feedback, please send an email to tsiglin[at] with the subject line “Weather Report feedback” and contact information.
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Take Streaming Media's Spring 2024 State of Streaming Survey
Spring is in the air, and that means it’s time again to ask for your insights into the state of the streaming industry.
We’ve helped identify trends—typically about six months before they hit mainstream—in such disparate aspects of streaming as the uptick in work-from-home streaming, low-latency streaming in auctions and sports book, a softening of advertising revenues, the growing discontent with security/pricing in pure cloud-based solutions and several more. And we’ve shared these trends with the industry and our survey takers as a way to thank you all for your valuable insights.
The survey is anonymous, but if you leave your email at the end, you will be entered into a prize drawing for one of two consulting prizes from the team at Help Me Stream Research Foundation. With decades of insights and work at a variety of streaming companies—from startups to Fortune 100 corporations—the Help Me Stream team can provide valuable insights into specific challenges your organization may face as it rolls out or scales up streaming offerings. Each of the two prizes is worth $300 (2 hours of consulting time) and are provided courtesy of
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